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130th Legislature, First Regular and First Special Sessions

130th Legislature, First Regular and First Special Sessions

130th Maine Legislature, First Regular and First Special Sessions

1.  Ongoing Study Commissions

2.  Interim Study Commissions 2021(130th Legislature)
The Maine Legislature will convene several interim committee studies and study commissions to examine certain complex issues and to formulate recommendations and propose legislation for consideration during the Second Regular Session of the 130th Legislature or the First Regular Session of the 131st Legislature.  The study commissions and committees listed below are staffed by the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (OPLA).  For more information about one of these studies, please contact  OPLA at (207) 287-1670.  For information on meeting dates of study commissions that are not staffed by OPLA, please refer to the Legislative Calendar. For a listing of other studies, boards or commissions, please refer to the Legislative Information Office, Boards, Commissions and Interim Study Groups list.  For information on task forces created by the Governor, please refer to the Governor’s Office website.  For information on studies staffed by the Office of Fiscal and Program Review (OFPR), please visit OFPR’s website.