- Bicyclists & Pedestrians
- Cancelling consumer contracts
- Cannabis (Marijuana) Law(s)
- Child abuse reporting
- Child support guidelines
- Coastal/great pond access
- Community property
- Distracted driving & text messaging
- Dogs
- Elder abuse reporting
- Emancipation of teenagers
- Exchange or return of merchandise
- Expiration of Gift Certificates & Gift Cards
- Felonies and misdemeanors
- Fireworks
- Grandparents’ and Great-grandparents’ visitation rights
- Hate crimes
- Helmet laws
- Holidays/Sunday sales
- Home construction/repair contracts
- Homestead exemption
- Implied warranties
- Intestate succession
- Landlord-tenant issues
- Lemon Law
- Living wills
- Maine Parentage Act
- Marriage
- Mechanic’s Lien
- Medical records, confidentiality & access
- Motor vehicle modifications
- People’s veto
- Performing a marriage
- Private sale of used cars
- Ranked-choice Voting
- Recording and surveillance of private conversations
- Right to Know / Freedom of information
- Road associations
- Service animals
- Sex offender registration
- Smoking prohibition
- Snow removal
- Statute of limitation on debt
- Studded snow tires
- Vacation (casual) rental tax
5/13/2021 A-Z List