For Maine-related information, see Maine Law
State law and legislation
Administrative Rules Online By State – Links to the 50-states’ administrative codes (regulations), manuals, and registers of proposed rules from the National Association of Secretaries of State.
State Law by Source (Cornell) – Links for each state to the constitution, statutes, and legislation.
Topical Index: State Statutes (Cornell) – Topical list of links to the statutes of all fifty states.
- Court Rules, Forms and Dockets (LLRX) – Over 1,400 sources for state and federal court rules, forms and dockets. You can browse fields to find the resource you need, or search by keyword.
- National Center For State Courts – Browse by state, category or A-Z List.
- State Court By Jurisdiction (Cornell) – Links to state court web sites that include basic directory information and background on jurisdiction and methods of selection.
State governments
- Book of the States– The Council of State Government’s website offering much of the same information as the print volume. Arranged by topic with corresponding PDF articles.
National Governors Association
State and Local Government on the Net – Links to sites for each branch of government, statewide offices, and boards and commissions.
- State and Local Governments (Library of Congress) – Links for meta-indexes and for individual states.
- State Legislatures Internet Links – Links to legislative web sites.
- State, Local, Tribal and U.S. Territory Resources (FirstGov) – Links to government web sites.
Municipal and county governments
- Online Codes (Municipal Code Corporation) – Image map of states giving links to the municipal codes for each state.
State and Local Government – Links for each state includes sites for counties and cities.
United States Counties (National Association of Counties) – Image map to select a state to find links to information for each county, including officials, courthouse addresses, county seats, population.
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