Office of the Secretary of the Senate
Darek M. Grant, Secretary of the Senate
Jared T. Roy, Assistant Secretary of the Senate
3 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333
Phone (207) 287-1540
Fax (207) 287-1900
Maine Relay Service 711
TTY (207) 287-1583
Toll Free (800) 423-6900
Office of the President of the Senate
Troy D. Jackson, President of the Senate
3 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333
Phone (207) 287-1500
Fax (207) 287-5862
Senate Democratic Majority Office
Eloise A. Vitelli, Senate Majority Leader
Matthea E. L. Daughtry, Assistant Senate Majority Leader
3 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333
Phone (207) 287-1515
Fax (207) 287-1585
Senate Republican Minority Office
Harold “Trey” Stewart, III, Senate Minority Leader
Lisa M. Keim, Assistant Senate Minority Leader
3 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333
Phone (207) 287-1505
Fax (207) 287-1527