- Materials
- OFPR Presentation to AFA on Medicaid Expenditures and Caseload – 09-23-20
- DHHS PowerPoint Presentation for AFA 09-23-20
- Revenue Report and Attachments 08-21-20
- An Executive Order Curtailing Allotments
- Summary of FY21 Curtailments in SWFO 00152 F1 9-16-2020
- Governors Commitments for Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) 09-16-20
- Covid Relief Fund allotments and planned uses by program as of 9-21-20
- DECD Presentation to AFA 09-23-20
- Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission Report Link
- Promulgating letter from the RFC to the Governor
- Revenue Forecasting Committee Report Link
- Testimony from Michael Allen
- General Fund Status Sheet
- Highway Fund Status Sheet
- MainePERS Information for Appropriations Committee as of 03/30/2020
- CRF commitments updated as of 8/3/2020
- FFIS updated as of 7/28/2020
- Maine Municipal Association Survey Results-Overview
- County Commissioner and County Administrator Presentation
- Recommendations of the Governor’s Economic Recovery Committee
- DECD Maine Economic Development Strategy
- Federal Grant Awards Available Through COVID-19 Legislation 07-22-20
- State of Maine Accounts Financial Orders and Expenditures for COVID-related Federal Awards (Non-CRF)_4
- Governor Commitments for Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds 07-22-20
- State of Maine Interim Report CRF Spreadsheet (due July 17 2020).xlsx
- Governor Mills Letter to Maine Congressional Delegation 7.20.2020 (002)
- AFA Democrats Letter to Gov Mills Re ERC 7.24.20
- Judicial Appropriations Committee Presentation 7 27 20 (2)
- Judicial Coronavirus Relief Fund Requests
- JUD Estimated Future COVID-19 Expenditures
- Judicial COVID-19 Expenditures as of 7.20.20
- FY 20 post-closing memo
- June 2020 Revenue Report – Prelim updated 7-22
- 2020-6-18 Letter_Perm Commission on Racial et al to Gov Mills (1st agenda item)
- Perm Commission Chaptered Law (1st agenda item)
- PermComm_to_AFA_Overview_final (1st agenda item)
- Permanent Commission Solutions (1st agenda item)
- Permanent Commission solutions – funding piece-1 (1st agenda item)
- MEA Presentation to AFA 06-30 (2nd agenda item)
- Considerations for K-12 Schools_ Readiness and Planning Tool (2nd agenda item)
- MCCS AFA Memo 2020 06 30 FINAL (3rd agenda item)
- MCCS short_term_training_calendar as of 6.30.2020 (3rd agenda item)
- University of Maine System COVID Support for State (3rd agenda item)
- COVID Financial Impact UMS FY2021 (3rd agenda item)
- University Research BDN (3rd agenda item)
- Maine Maritime Academy_6-30-20 (3rd agenda item)
- NAMI COVID UPDATE 06-30 (4th agenda item)
- SUFU tesitmony 6.30.2020 (4th agenda item)
- CCSM testimony for AFA 6-30-2020 (4th agenda item)
- Lydia Richard story for AFA 6-30-2020 (4th agenda item)
- DRM Brief COVID-19 report for the Appropriations Committee (4th agenda item)
- Updated Federal Grant Awards Available Through COVID-19 Legislation
- Governor’s Economic Recovery Committee Overview
- Financial Orders Approved by the Governor as of 6-16-2020_1
- May 2020 Revenue Report
- Federal Grant Awards Available Through COVID-19 Legislation
- AFA 06192020 CRF Obligations (002)
- State of Maine Accounts Financial Orders and Expenditures for COVID-related Federal Awards (Non-CRF)_1 06182020
- DECD Overview June 5 2020 (printing must be done in legal size format)
- Cash Pool Summary FY 20 Through April
- COVID Awards for AFA 05/30/2020
- COVID Awards 05-28 Corrected by FFIS 06-09
- Addendum to Letter to Delegation Maine’s List of Potential COVID-19 Impact
- Governor Mills Letter to Maine Delegation
- October 18 2018 Stress Test
- April 2020 Revenue Report
- DHHS MaineCare Rate System Update to AFA-02/11/2020
- Schedules/Agendas
- AFA Draft Agenda 09/23/20
- AFA Draft Agenda 08/03/20
- AFA Draft Agenda 07/27/20
- AFA Draft Agenda 06-30-20
- AFA Draft Agenda 06-19-20
- AFA Agenda 06-05-20 (draft-revised 11:00am 6/5/2020-new youtube link)
- AFA Agenda for 05/29/2020 (draft-revised 7:00pm 5/28/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 3/16/2020-3/20/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 3/09/2020-3/12/2020 (draft-revised 3:00 pm 3/11/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 3/02/2020-3/05/2020 (draft-revised 2:00pm 3/5/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 2/24/2020-2/26/2020 (draft revised 2/24/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 2/24/2020-2/26/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 2/11/2020-2/14/2020 (draft revised 2/12/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 2/11/2020-2/14/2020 (draft revised 2/11/2020)
- AFA Agenda for 2/11/2020-2/14/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 2/3/2020-2/7/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 1/21/2020-1/23/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 1/13/2020 – 1/16/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 01/08/2020 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 12/09/19 (draft)
- AFA Agenda for 11/14/19 (draft)
- 2020-2021 Supplemental Budget Materials
- 2020-2021 Supplemental Budget Hearing Information and Detailed Schedule
- General Fund Status Update
- Committee Report Backs
- Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
- Criminal Justice and Public Safety
- Education and Cultural Affairs
- Energy, Utilities and Technology
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Health and Human Services
- Initiatives w/ HHS votes (Green)
- Language w/ HHS votes (Purple)
- Health Coverage, Insurance & Financial Services
- Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
- Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business
- Judiciary
- Labor and Housing
- Marine Resources
- State and Local
- Taxation
- Transportation
- Veterans and Legal Affairs
129th Legislature, 1st Regular Session
- Materials
- Special Appropriations Table 129th First Regular Session
- Schedules/Agendas
- LD 1001 2020-2021 Biennial Budget Hearing Schedule-Revised 03/04/2019 (Check prior to hearing date for potential changes)
- Week of 4/8/19 through 4/11/19 (revised 4/5/19 @ 4:00pm)
- Week of 4/15/19 through 4/19/19
- Week of 4/22/19 through 4/26/19
- Week of 4/29/19 through 5/3/19
- Week of 5/06/19 through 5/10/19 (revised 4/6/19 @ 6:40pm)
- Week of 5/13/19 through 5/17/19 (revised 5/16/19)
- 5/17/19 Agenda (revised 5/17/19)
- Week of 5/20/19 through 5/24/19
2020-2021 Biennial Budget Materials
- AFA Unvoted Appropriations and Allocations 05-09-19
- Ad for Public Comment Period LD 1001 Change Packet
- General Fund Status Updates
- Fund for Healthy Maine Status Updates
- Committee Report Backs
- Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
- Additional Information from the ACF Committee 4/19/19
- Criminal Justice and Public Safety
- Education and Cultural Affairs (corrected copy 4/4/19)
- Energy, Utilities and Technology
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services
- Health and Human Services
- Initiatives w/ HHS votes (Green)
- DHHS Mgmt w/ HHS votes (Yellow)
- Language w/ HHS votes (Purple)
- FMAP Summary (Gold)
- Revenue Forecasting Summary (Salmon)
- Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
- Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business
- Judiciary
- Labor and Housing
- Marine Resources
- State and Local
- Taxation
- Transportation
- Veterans and Legal Affairs
Financial Orders (COVID-19 Related and Those Citing Executive Order 43 FY19/20)
- Summary of CRF Allotments, Spending and Balances To Date
- 12/03/2020 FInancial Orders
- 11/19/2020 Financial Orders
- 11/10/2020 Financial Orders
- 11/05/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/28/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/13/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/06/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/29/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/25/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/10/2020 Financial Orders
- 08/26/2020 Financial Orders
- 08/13/2020 Financial Orders
- 07/16/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/29/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/18/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/11/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/05/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/04/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/28/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/21/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/08/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/30/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/23/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/09/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/06/2020 Financial Orders
- 03/26/2020 Financial Orders
- 02/25/2020 Financial Orders
Financial Orders (Pending 30-day Wait)
- 12/03/2020 Financial Orders
- 11/19/2020 Financial Orders
- 11/05/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 10/06/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 09/10/2020 Financial Orders
- 08/26/2020 Financial Orders
- 08/13/2020 Financial Orders
- 07/30/2020 Financial Orders
- 07/16/2020 Financial Orders
- 07/02/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/22/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/18/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/05/2020 Financial Orders
- 06/04/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/28/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/21/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/12/2020 Financial Orders
- 05/08/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/30/2020 Financial Orders
- 04/23/2020 Financial Orders
Out of State Travel