Maine State Legislature
Office of the Revisor of Statutes
Room 108, State House
Augusta, Maine 04333-0007
Phone: (207) 287-1650
Fax: (207) 287-6468
e-mail: webmaster.ros@legislature.maine.gov
About the Office of the Revisor of Statutes
- The Office of the Revisor of Statutes (ROS) was originally created by Public Law 1928, chapter 367 and was later established as the Office of Legislative Research in 1947. The office reassumed its original name in 1986. The Revisor’s Office is one of the nonpartisan offices serving the Legislature. The Revisor’s Office performs four primary functions: legislative drafting and editing; engrossing; publishing of statutes; and maintaining a statutory database. The Revisor’s Office is the Legislature’s central production office where all legislative instruments, including bills and amendments, are initially filed and then produced in final form for introduction.
- The Revisor’s Office also serves as clerk of the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading for both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Revisor’s Office engrosses all bills, which is the process of folding the bill and any adopted amendments physically into one document, prior to the bill’s enactment. The Revisor’s Office tracks legislation by title and section number to detect potential duplication and conflicts.
- The Revisor’s Office publishes all laws enacted during each legislative session as the Laws of the State of Maine, assists the commercial publishers of the Maine Revised Statutes by providing materials for the supplementary pamphlets and pocket parts and is responsible for making annual updates to the statutory database. See also Publications.