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Statues and Reference Information

Federal Law

Federal Law


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BILLS – A beta database of U.S. legislative information that is slated to replace Thomas in 2014.
Enactment of a Law – Overview of the legislative process in Congress.
Congressional Bills (FDSys) – Bills from the 103rd Congress (1993) forward.
Government 101: How A Bill Becomes Law – From Project Vote Smart.
History of Bills (GPO Access) – Section of the Congressional Record Index that provides information about all bills and resolves introduced.


Public and Private Laws (FDSys) – Links to catalogs of laws and a search form for laws from the 104th Congress (1994) forward.

Q & A in Legislative and Regulatory Research – Part of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.’s Legislative Source Book. 


U.S. Code (U.S. House) – Includes links for searching versions and supplements of the Code back to 1994.
U.S. Code (Library of Congress) – Includes links for searching versions and supplements of the Code back to 1925.

U.S. Code (Cornell) – Search form for specific citations and a list of titles for table of contents browsing with links to a search engine and a table of popular names.


A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1875 – Read a description of the collection.

Federal Legislative History Research – Guide to compiling the documents and searching for legislative intent written by law librarians.

Legislative Histories of Selected U.S. Laws in Electronic Format –  Online legislative histories compiled by the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C., Inc. as part of their Legislative Source Book. Histories are listed either by popular name or by public law number.


District Court, District of Maine – Links to a listing by judge and a keyword search form.

Federal Court Locator – Links to federal opinions and rules provided as a service of Villanova School of Law.

FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions, 1893 to date – Forms for searching full text, citation, or party and links for browsing by volume or year.

First Circuit Opinions – Search for opinions by number, words in the title or by date published.

Govinfo Bulk Data Repository: Supreme Court Decisions, 1937-1975 –  Forms for full text and party search for cases published in volumes 300 through 422 of US Reports.

OYEZ Project –  A U.S. Supreme Court multimedia database of opinions and abstracts. You can search by title, citation, date, or subject.
Quick Links and Sources to U.S. Court Opinions – A list of federal court opinions compiled by the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.

Supreme Court Opinions (Cornell) – Links to lists of cases by topic, author, and party; and a keyword search form.

Supreme Court’s Site
 – Links to lists of cases by term.
U.S. Reports, vol. 1-542 (1754-2004) – From HeinOnline via the Library of Congress.


Federal Court Rules (LLRX) – Rules for all federal courts.

First Circuit Court Rules

U.S. Bankruptcy Court – District of Maine – Links to local rules.

U.S. District Court for the District of Maine – Local rules.


Code of Federal Regulations (FDSys) – Choose years from a drop-down menu.

Code of Federal Regulations, 1938-1995 – Library of Congress

Code of Federal Regulations (Cornell) – Links to individual CFR titles and a search form for CFR headings.

Federal Register (FDSys) – Choose by year, starting with 1984.

Federal Register, Vol. 1-58 (1936-1993) – Library of Congress

Lists of CFR Sections Affected – Links for browsing or searching for changes to CFR parts since the last annual revision. – Search for a proposed or final rule or Federal Register notice from nearly 300 federal agencies. You can also sign up for RSS feeds or submit comments on regulations.


Bill of Rights (Cornell) – Text and annotations for the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Bill of Rights (Nat’l Archives) – Part of the Charters of Freedom Exhibit. Includes downloadable high resolution images of the actual documents.

Core Documents of Our Democracy – Links to information relating to the history and interpretation of the Constitution and to other core documents, including the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Gettysburg Address.

U.S. Constitution (Cornell) – Links to the text of each article of the Constitution.



9/3/2020         A-Z List