- Vendean Vafiades, Chair, Appointed by the Commission
- Christine Brawn, Appointed by the President of the Senate
- Joyce Oreskovich, Appointed by the President of the Senate
- Kathryn Rand, Appointed by the Speaker of the House
- Timothy Schneider, Appointed by the Speaker of the House
Statute and other Legislation
- 09/10/2019
- 10/2/2019
- Agenda (Postponed due to lack of a quorum)
- 10/15/2019
- 11/7/19
- 11/20/19
- 12/16/19
- 1/6/2020
- Testimony
- Previous Reports
- Governor
- Legislative
- NCSL Tax Letter November 2018
- Travel Allowances & Reimbursements Summary
- Mileage Rate History- 5 MRSA
- Legislatures Comparisons 2019
- Legislative Compensation (50 states, House/Assembly Leaders)
- Legislative Compensation (50 states, Senate Leaders)
- Legislative Compensation (50 states, Other Payments & Benefits)
- Legislative Compensation (50 states, Living Allowance)
- Legislative Compensation (50 states, Retirement Benefits)
- Legislator Benefit History
- Legislator Salary History
- House Clerk & Asst. Clerk, Senate Secretary & Asst. Secretary Salary History
- Memo to 129th Legislative Council on Senate Secretary & House Clerk Salaries
- Judicial
Contact Information:
- OFPR Office 207-287-1635
- Lucia Nixon, Legislative Analyst
- Julie Jones, Senior Legislative Analyst