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Legislative Non Partisan Offices

Office of Fiscal and Program Review

Office of Fiscal and Program Review

Welcome to the Office of Fiscal and Program Review

The Office of Fiscal and Program Review is one of several nonpartisan offices operating
under the direction of the Legislative Council and its Executive Director.

The office collects, researches and analyzes fiscal and program information related to the
finances and operation of State Government for legislators, legislative committees and
commissions. As a part of this role the Office analyzes the Governor’s budget and other
appropriation requests, reviews all bills and amendments for their fiscal impacts to provide
projections of revenue and expenditures and monitors agency financial status (including
transfers of funds).

The office also provides staff support to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations
and Financial Affairs, the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation, the Joint Standing Committee
on Transportation (for fiscal matters only) and other legislative committees as assigned.
Currently, the Director of the Office and one of the Office’s Principal Analysts represent the
Legislature on the Revenue Forecasting Committee, which was established in law (5 MRSA,
section 1710-E) to provide policy makers with revenue projections.

It is led by a director who is appointed by the Legislative Council for a 3-year term and
is staffed by eight other professional staff and two administrative positions.

Photo Credits: Anne M. Dumont