Welcome to Our New Website
We are always working to improve access to the Legislature, as part of this effort we have updated our website. We have created this page to assist with navigation.
Menus on the left hand side of the pages provide access to much of the site. Here’s how they work:
Click on the menu elements that have little triangles to the left of them to open a sub-menu. This link won’t do anything else.
Click on the sub-menu elements (the ones with the little dots to the left, the yellow text in this picture) to display the appropriate page.
Navigation Reference Table
- The Legislative Activites Calendar, or Events Calendar, is now found through the Calendar link in the top menu bar. The Calendar now offers a Month, Week or Day view, and a view of Public Hearings and Work Sessions.
- Links relating directly to the Legislature and its members can be found on the House and Senate pages, and their menus at the top of the page. Non-Partisan Staff offices, including the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability are found under the “Legislative Offices” menu at the top of the home page. The Constitutional Officers and other information about the Legislature are found on the General Information page listed in the “Publications” menu.
- All the Legislative Council information is now available from the Legislative Council link found under “Legislative Offices” menu.
- Job Opportunities and other specific but frequently used pages are found in the Popular Items list on the home page.
- Publications are found in various entries in the “Publications” menu. The Document Database is a searchable list of documents uploaded to the website. Other links connect you with documents that are not stored in the database, such as the Statutes, some committee materials and a substantial collection you will find as part of the Law and Legislative Reference Library collection. Some publications may be more easily accessed from the home page “Popular Items” selector.
- Contact Us via the menu at the top for actual contact information, for quick access to Asking a Librarian, Finding a Legislator, or Job Opportunities, use the “Popular Items” selector on the home page. For Legislator information in the House or Senate, use the House or Senate menus at the top of the page.
- Emergency Preparedness information is found via the “Popular Items” selector on the home page, or through the Executive Director’s office.
News Items
News items can be found on the left side of the home page. These usually indicate new documents or information of current importance, and may provide a direct link, enabling access without searching the document repository.